GB3EK is part of the repeater network managed by the Kent Repeater Group

Like most UK repeater groups, the KRG is financed SOLELY from the subscriptions of users and the generosity of local amateurs and amateur radio suppliers. Although affiliated to the RSGB, the Group receives no direct financial help from them. The Group needs to raise about £1600 per annum to rent sites, pay for insurance, and to maintain, replace and improve the repeaters. Fortunately the Group only has to pay a commercial rent on one site – at present.

The Group supports 7 repeaters: On 2 metres – GB3KN near Maidstone and GB3KS near Dover . On 70cms – GB3CK near Charing, GB3EK near Margate, GB3NK near Wrotham, GB3RE near Maidstone and GB3SK near Canterbury.

If you use GB3EK on a regular basis then please consider joining the Kent Repeater Group or make a small donation to support the continued operation of your local repeaters.